At Pebble-Moon Holistic Wellbeing Centre we like to keep things stress free, and that includes our prices.
All our treatments, counselling and sessions are based on the time taken, therefore...
Half hour appointment is £37.50
Hour's appointment is £63.60
Hour and a half's appointment is £90.10
2-hour appointments is £106.00
At Pebble-Moon Holistic Wellbeing Centre we like to keep things stress free, and that includes our prices. All our treatments, counselling or sessions are based on the time taken, therefore... Half hour appointment is £37.50 Hour's appointment is £63.60 Hour and a half's appointment is £90.10 2-hour appointments is £106.00 For example, if you are booked in for an hour's massage, but during the consultation it is suggested to also have some reflexology and/or reiki this does not affect the price - it would still be the £63.60. You can relax, knowing that there are no add-ons or price changes. We also do not sell outsourced products, or are on commission with anyone, therefore you know if some product is suggested for you, it has no financial benefit to Pebble-Moon. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or card. Hypnotherapy
To book an appointment for 2025 or to discuss your particular requirements
please call Caroline Hammond Telephone: 07943849784 Email: [email protected] Website: Booking Link: Treatments
Please allow extra time and arrive ten minutes earlier for your your first appointment for a FREE holistic wellbeing consultation. |